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Unleashed is led by undergraduate students with the advice of MBA students. The leadership is interdisciplinary in order to use a variety of different skills to select investments 


Annalise Burnett

Executive Vice President 

Annalise is currently studying abroad at Sciences Po University in Paris, France for the duration of the 2014-2015 academic year. Due to her unique situation, she serves as the International Correspondent for Unleashed, and will be inducted as Executive Vice President upon her return for her senior year. She has been a part of Unleashed since the inception and works closely with the presidents in establishing and executing a plan for the future of the club. Annalise is passionate about finding a more permanent solution to poverty. In her free time, she volunteers at local low-income South Bend schools to teach non-violent conflict resolution to children. Despite her passion for peace, she believes in knowing self-defense and recently picked up boxing, going on to win the Notre Dame Baraka Bouts tournament for her weight class. Annalise is optimistic her fluency in French will increase her capacity to connect Unleashed with social enterprises around the globe

Amanda Conklin 


Co-Vice President of Social Venture Captial Division 

Amanda is a sophomore Hesburgh-Yusko Scholar living in Ryan Hall. She believes that business can serve as an effective means to inspire social change on both local and global levels. At Notre Dame, Amanda serves as the Vice President of Credit for the Jubilee Initiative for Financial Inclusion. JIFFI is a non-profit that offers microloans and financial empowerment programs in South Bend in the hopes of eradicating Payday Lending. She also spent the summer in Uganda learning more about microfinance through an internship with Women’s Microfinance Initiative. Amanda is very passionate about education and serves on the board of Building Tomorrow, a club which advocates for access to girls education and universal primary education. In her free time Amanda loves running the beautiful Notre Dame campus and is a member of ND’s triathlon club.

Vincent Vangaever

Co-Vice President of Social Venture Capital Division 

 Vincent is a sophomore and currently resides in Fisher Hall. He is a Hesburgh-Yusko scholar and volunteers weekly at the Robinson Community Learning Center. He is also a member of the Jubilee Initiative For Financial Inclusion (JIFFI) a microfinance initiative based at Notre Dame. Unleashed provides Vince with a unique outlet to explore his interests in economic development and micro-finance, with the aim of creating not only economic profit, but also improving social well-being.

Lindsay Dougherty

Chief Financial Officer

Cristin Pacifico

President of Research and Development 

Cristin believes that business has the power to create a positive global impact and has been involved with various initiatives to further this mission. She currently serves as the CFO and Executive Board Member for the Jubilee Initiative for Financial Inclusion (JIFFI), a local non-profit she helped found that issues microloans and financial empowerment tools to members of the South Bend community. She also serves as a Business Development Intern at Vennli, a local technology start-up that focuses on helping businesses realize growth opportunities. Cristin hopes to elevate her past work experience at Robert W. Baird and JPMorgan, as well as her involvement in Notre Dame’s Wall Street and Finance Clubs, to help lead the R&D division. Cristin is inspired by firms that use venture capital as a means to fund social enterprises and is interested in learning more about SROI. She believes that impact investing is an area of untapped potential, and hopes that Unleashed will become the future for impact investing at Notre Dame.

A junior living in Breen-Phillips, Lindsay will be serving on the board as one of the CFO's. This past summer, she interned in Philadelphia at Savitz, an actuarial and benefit consultants firm. Besides studying, Lindsay also can be found in LaFortune working as a building manager or acting as president of her dorm. After graduation, she plans on becoming an actuary. For now, Lindsay is looking forward to seeing Unleashed grow as a club and hopes it will give her experience in responsible financial management.

Alisha Anderson

Industry Expert

Alisha has had opportunities to be exposed to the non-profit field through her experience with Andre House of Hospitality and through her work with the Spanish service-learnings programs at the Center for Social Concerns. On-campus, she has previously served as President of BaseND and as Director of the International Economic Exchange Program (a case competition and exchange between students at Notre Dame and Peking University). She has also published research on trade policy as a member of the International Scholars Program. Until this past January, she served as President of the Student International Business Council (SIBC), Notre Dame’s largest student group on campus.

Sarah Tsai

Social Impact Bond Expert 

Sarah is a junior in Welsh Family Hall. She is from Menlo Park, CA, but has spent most of her time living in Europe and Asia. On campus, when she’s not baking cookies, Sarah is a member of SIBC, tutors at the LRC, and is a violinist in the Symphony Orchestra. She joined Unleashed because it gives her an opportunity to synthesize her finance focus with her philanthropic background. Within Unleashed Sarah has specialized in Social Impact Bonds and returned from India this summer, having worked in microfinance, with a unique lens and experience for her area of expertise.

Clayton M. Conroy

Sustainability Expert 

Clayton is Unleashed’s expert in sustainability and green energy. His interests include everything from the divestment movement to social entrepreneurship. He believes that business is a powerful tool that is critical to tackling critical issues such as climate change, water infrastructure, and economic development in the third world. Clayton understands that Unleashed will give him the opportunity to learn more impact investing, to research how businesses are currently tackling pressing modern issues, and to bring together people who want to work toward a common goal. Clayton also has a passion for film; he works at Fighting Irish Digital Media and produces a show on Notre Dame Television.

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